In the words of Rupaul: “If you can’t love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else?
It’s that time of year again; wherein flowers, chocolates, and heart shaped “be mine” candy is everywhere, signifying that Valentine's Day is just around the corner.
While love is always worthy of a celebration, we thought we’d do something a little different this year. Rather than just write about the best romantic movies to watch, we have selected movies that celebrate singlehood. These films promote themes of self acceptance, empowerment, family, and friendship rather than relying on a romance-themed story to drive the plot and motivate its characters. We aren’t here to hate on movies that do promote a happy love story (we love them as much as the next person!), we just want to send a friendly reminder that being single can be just as amazing and fun.
So, without further ado, here are 5 movies to indulge in on the day after Valentine's Day, also known as Singles Awareness Day.

Before moving to San Francisco to pursue her dream job as a music journalist, Jenny, (Gina Rodriguez) recruits her two best friends for one final adventure in New York City, all whilst trying to grapple with her recent heartbreak after her long time boyfriend calls it quits. The heart of the movie centers on the friendship between the three women who help and support one another through their many ups and downs. Someone Great illustrates the importance of prioritizing our friendships, careers, and ourselves.
Plus, this movie will have you in your feels, experiencing a range of emotions - making you laugh one minute and cry the next, thanks to its sharp script and strong performances. And as an added bonus - the soundtrack is amazing.

How To Be Single follows 4 single women as they navigate their lives in New York. Newly single Alice (Dakota Johnson) starts a new job at a law firm, where she meets Robin (Rebel Wilson), who encourages her to embrace the benefits of singlehood. On the other end of the spectrum is unlucky in love Lucy (Alison Brie), who desperately wants to change her status from "single" to “in a relationship”.
Then there is Meg (Leslie Mann), Alice’s sister who makes the decision to become a single mother. How to Be Single is about loving yourself, and about recognizing how wonderful being single can be by allowing us to learn how to be happy on our own. It embraces us to live our best possible lives with or without a partner.

Deeming her as too “unsophisticated” for his new life at Harvard Law, Warner (Matthew Davis) dumps a devastated Elle (Reese Witherspoon). In an attempt to win back her man, she too enrolls at Harvard to prove him wrong (as one does, or as Elle puts it “What, like it’s hard?”). Along the way, Elle discovers that she is much more than just a “good looking blonde” who needs a man to feel good about herself. Although she starts off as an underdog, she slowly becomes one of the top law students in her class. She finds her self-worth and confidence, proving all her haters wrong.
Perhaps most enduring about Elle is that she is unapologetically herself - a bubbly, pink-wearing, Cosmo-reading, Cali girl, who refuses to be defined by the “dumb blonde” stereotype ascribed to her.

Greta Gerwig gives this timeless classic a fresh adaptation. The story follows the 4 March sisters as they transition into adulthood during the American Civil War. The film highlights the many challenges women were faced with during this period of time by emphasizing the importance of marriage for a woman’s economical, and sometimes social survival.
Wishing to break free of these social constraints, Jo (Saoirse Ronan) declines a sound marriage proposal and decides to pursue her dream of being a published author. The story also explores the importance of family, reflected in how the girls support and uplift one another.

After their weekend goes awry, best friends Thelma (Geena Davis) and Louise (Susan Sarandon) are forced to run from the law and embark on an unexpected road trip. They leave behind their mundane, day to day lives; Thelma as an oppressed housewife who is stuck in a loveless marriage to a controlling man. And Thelma, a small town waitress in a relationship with a flaky musician.
This movie is about the strong bonds of female friendship, a theme that is not often portrayed authentically in Hollywood. Moreover, it’s about female empowerment, liberation, and self discovery. From meek and docile, the two become forces to be reckoned with.
Happy Singles Awareness Day, everybody!
YOUR NEXT READ: 8 Heartwarming Movies to Watch On Valentine's Day